Whether you are the settlor, trustee, or beneficiary of a trust in need of advice — let us guide you.
Although trusts avoid the headaches of probate, they present their own challenges. Trustees must follow the distribution and management requirements of the trust, and beneficiaries have legally-protected interests with regard to trust assets. While trusts vary greatly in form and function, all trust administration must follow the stringent requirements of the Michigan Trust Code. Consulting with a licensed attorney before or during trust administration simplifies the process and reduces the risk of administering the trust in an improper manner, potentially creating personal liability.
“The more complexity we encounter, the more simplification matters.” -Michael Bhaskar
Kimball & Wells simplifies the trust administration process. Whether you’re a settlor looking for advice on an existing or potential trust, a trustee seeking help in understanding your duties, or a beneficiary wanting to better understand your rights to trust property, we can provide you with expert advice and make the process clear.
Contact Us For a Free Consultation
Mailing Address:
1451 Lake Dr. SE
P.O. Box 6010
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Phone: (616) 317-8489
Adam Kimball’s Email:
Wyatt Wells’ Email: